In the town of New Amsterdam orphan children are going missing. Two people rise to try to solve the mystery a trader named Blandine von Couvering and a British spy Edward Drummond.
The suspects are numerous, the governor's nephew, an aristocrat, the corrupt orphan master and an Algonquin trapper. Yet evidence is found near the body that points to an Algonquin demon. Blandine, an orphan herself, is determined to find out who has been doing the killing when it turns out more then one orphan has gone missing and the Dutch authorities fail to show any interest in the case because of the girls race.
The case is endangered when Blandine is accused of being a witch and Edward is sentenced for espionage.
Lizzy and her partner Diesel are on the search for a stone believed to be infused with the power of lust.
When English teacher Gilbery Reedy is murdered and thrown from his balcony Lizzy and Diesel continue his search for the Luxuria Stone. They tear their way thought Boston following the clues from 19th century writings. Through grave sites, government building, and mansions they try to stay a step ahead of Diesel's cousin Gerwulf Grimoire who wants the stone for his own reasons.
Lizzy must battle Gerwulf's growing interest in her, and her attractions towards Diesel. While staying ahead of another opponent Anarchy and his minion Hatchet, on this hide-and-seek adventure.