A Gripping Thriller
Clinical psychologist Alan Gregory is happy to get back to work after a long period of upheavel in his life. He puts all his energy into his practice and a new patient who is challenging. But the period of calm does not last long. His friend Diana starts to show signs of an emotional collapse, and the one thing he is afraid of, the exposure of a secret, is something he cant ignore.
A new witness has reopened an investigation into a death of a women. When Alan and his friend Sam mistakenly disclose their involvement in the death to a drug dealer any chance they have of escaping the suspicion of the police evaporates. The trail now leads right to Alan and Sam.
Alan's fear grows as he beginning to believe that his new patient is what will cause everything in his life to explode, his marriage, family and friends. This is the first of a two part conclusion of this best selling series.
A Terrifying, Creepy Thriller
Ava has spent most of the last two years in a mental institution after a tragic event she is unable to remember. Her two year old son Noah went missing. He was a sweet little boy in jeans and a red sweatshirt, everyone including her estranged husband believe he fell of the dock near their home and drowned.
Now Ava is back at the family estate and she is slowly returning to normal. But as Ava's strength and her mind is more in focus she begins to wonder if there is something else going on, something her family is hiding and doesn't want her to know. Ava is desperate to remember what happened that day two years ago so she visits a hypnotist, but the nightmares continue. She swears she hears him crying and walking near the dock. Is she going crazy or is he still alive.
Ava's quest for the answers is more dangerous then she can imagine.