So since I didn't realize at the time, I started this book meeting Eve for the first time. I was surprised at the start of this book. I was expecting an action suspense story, but the first half of this story reads more like a romance. I have nothing against romances, I like them just as much as I do suspense and action, and I admit that the book wouldn't have been the same if this portion of it didn't exist. The first half really establishes the characters and I became really attached to them. So when the second part started, the story I expected going in, I had a hard time with the jump forward and how the characters had changed.
When we came back to the present I could not accept Jim as Eve's husband. As you know, the author has written other stories about Eve. So you would already know she was married to Jim. I dont remember Jim from previous book I read, but I did not like his character at all. I found that he kept putting himself where he wasn't wanted. No matter how many times he was told to stay away, he was intent of saving the day. I found this very dis-respectful of Eve's wishes. Why couldn't he just trust that she could handle the situations on her own, instead of trying to be the hero, and making everything worse?
This book focused on the relationship between the main characters. The story line involving Eve's search for her daughter I found a little weak. I wasn't interested in it, and was solely focused on what was going to happen between the characters. This is quite possible the author's intentions, and the search for the daughter was always a secondary storyline.
John was the most compelling character of them all. The book constantly keeps you guessing as to his motives, and if he is a good or a bad character. While reading I wished I could go deeper into his thoughts so I could better understand what was going on, and if Eve could trust him or not.
In the end, this book finishes wide open, with no questions answered. I must warn you it finishes to be continued, with the second part titled 'Jim.' Bad luck for me, because now if I want to find out what happens I need to read a whole book from Jim's perspective. Lucky for Iris I must know the ending of a story, and I will read it. Maybe I'm just blinded by my crush on John.
Overall, good read. The first part was good and really got me attached to the characters. Second part I cant complain since I couldn't put it down, but I feel the beginning was stronger. I was really hoping for better ending but am still confident it is coming in the next installment. 4/5
Ease of Reading: 4/5
Lasting Effect: 3/5
Plot: 3/5
Creativity: 4/5
Length: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
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