Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Cheers everyone!

I never make new year resolutions. They work well for a month or more, but then your ambition wear off as real life sets in after the holidays are over and the excitement over the new year fades. I think if you really want to get something done you shouldn't need the changing of the calender to motivate you.

Despite that, this year I have given myself a challenge; I want to read 40 books in 2012. That almost doubles my average last year of 2 books a month. I don't think I will meet this challenge, but unlike failing a diet I wont get depressed and undo all my hard work by eating a box of cookies. It's just something to work towards and no matter what I will achieve something.  This is something I do anyways, so no stress.

I already have a pile of books stacking up to read. I have Robopocalypse, Five People you meet in Heaven, Hotel Vendome, The Birth House, and 77 Shadow Street. That is real range of genres: Science Fiction, Drama, Romance, and Suspense. Sounds like fun!

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