The one thing I like about Emily Giffin, is that her books are realistic. This one appealed to me because when I saw it I thought wow if I was to write a book, this is exactly what I would write about. I always wondered what it would be like to run into my ex. After all the books I've read lately, its nice to have one I can relate to. Like my past reads, I don't have a presumed dead ex who is a military trained assassin and possibly crazy; I don't think its very likely that I will be kidnapped and held in a shed for years; and I'm definably not a witch in love with a vampire.
So when I see a book like this, I pick it up, perhaps because I'm hoping for advice from its pages. From the moment I started to read I understood Ellen. I haven't yet come across the luck in life that she had; the perfect husband, the passion for her work, or the success in her career, but I felt the internal struggle she had when it came to her feelings for her husband and her ex. She had a lot of hard choices, but despite them all, I think she managed to do what made her happy.
There are a lot of questions this book brings up about relationships. It talks about the obsession two people can have about each other. The relationships between sisters and best friends. What happens when feelings are pushed away and not resolved. The difference between love as passion. And what qualifies as cheating.
Ellen has many unique characters to help her in her journey, all with different backgrounds and experiences in life. Each offer her different advice based on their relationships. Each time Ellen came across a choice I thought what would I do in her position. I didn't have to think hard, I know I have a weakness when it come to two particular men in my past. And if I ran into either one of them, I'm afraid I would make the wrong choices. I would drop everything I have now to create what I always wished had happened with them. I picked up this book because I wanted it to tell me that I wasn't alone having these thoughts and regrets, and they don't make me a bad person. The book didn't answer my questions, but it did make me think about whether I want to risk what I have now with my boyfriend, for something that might never work out.
It may have taught me not to sell what I have short, but it wont stop my heart from jumping whenever I see an armored truck or smell that particular brand of cologne. (Just to make that clear my ex used to drive an armored truck, we didn't try to rob one together or anything like that)
I think this book would be great for anyone who has those little unresolved feelings, or the "what ifs" in the back of their mind. I give it a 4/5

There are a lot of questions this book brings up about relationships. It talks about the obsession two people can have about each other. The relationships between sisters and best friends. What happens when feelings are pushed away and not resolved. The difference between love as passion. And what qualifies as cheating.
Ellen has many unique characters to help her in her journey, all with different backgrounds and experiences in life. Each offer her different advice based on their relationships. Each time Ellen came across a choice I thought what would I do in her position. I didn't have to think hard, I know I have a weakness when it come to two particular men in my past. And if I ran into either one of them, I'm afraid I would make the wrong choices. I would drop everything I have now to create what I always wished had happened with them. I picked up this book because I wanted it to tell me that I wasn't alone having these thoughts and regrets, and they don't make me a bad person. The book didn't answer my questions, but it did make me think about whether I want to risk what I have now with my boyfriend, for something that might never work out.
It may have taught me not to sell what I have short, but it wont stop my heart from jumping whenever I see an armored truck or smell that particular brand of cologne. (Just to make that clear my ex used to drive an armored truck, we didn't try to rob one together or anything like that)
I think this book would be great for anyone who has those little unresolved feelings, or the "what ifs" in the back of their mind. I give it a 4/5
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