What drives this story is Glen's search for what happened to his wife. As he dwells deeper into her life the last few days she was alive he discovers she may have gotten herself into some dangerous stuff.
The Accident is surrounded by mystery. Unlike some books where the reader is aloud to see and hear things the main character can not, in The Accident the reader unravels the mystery at the same pace as Glen. At times this is good because you are confused with him as he tries to sort out the facts, at other times, mainly towards the beginning of the book, the lack of information makes it difficult to hold that much interest in the story.
As he delves deeper into his neighbours personal lives it seems everyone in the book had some dark secret except for him. It was like everyone around him was having a party and he wasn't invited. I don't know why this bothered me, perhaps I felt that it was hard to believe that he never noticed anything wrong until that night. I also found the book to be very discouraging at times when more and more clues were discovered, yet he never seemed any closer to revealing the truth about his wife's accident.
But don't misunderstand, this was still a good story. Once I got into it and was surrounded by all the characters and their many secrets, I was as determined as Glen to find out what happened. There were so many times when you think you have it figured out, and can't put the book down, only to be proven wrong with a new suspect to consider. This book teaches us that sometimes acceptance is just as important as discovering the truth.
If you like a mystery that will keep you on your toes, you should read this book. 4/5
As he delves deeper into his neighbours personal lives it seems everyone in the book had some dark secret except for him. It was like everyone around him was having a party and he wasn't invited. I don't know why this bothered me, perhaps I felt that it was hard to believe that he never noticed anything wrong until that night. I also found the book to be very discouraging at times when more and more clues were discovered, yet he never seemed any closer to revealing the truth about his wife's accident.
But don't misunderstand, this was still a good story. Once I got into it and was surrounded by all the characters and their many secrets, I was as determined as Glen to find out what happened. There were so many times when you think you have it figured out, and can't put the book down, only to be proven wrong with a new suspect to consider. This book teaches us that sometimes acceptance is just as important as discovering the truth.
If you like a mystery that will keep you on your toes, you should read this book. 4/5
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