Today I am taking place in Top Ten Tuesday over at the Broke and the Bookish.
This weeks top ten is the perfect Halloween reads. Here are my picks.

1. The Shining by Stephan King - I read this one when I was in high school, and am now forever creep out by hedges shaped like animals.
2. Spider Light by Sarah Rayne - I remember that this book was very disturbing. Anything involving a creep abandoned mill and a Asylum has to be.

3. Phantoms by Dean Koontz - He is my favourite author and this is the first book I read of his that got me hooked for life. (It's also a movie with Ben Affleck.) Another Koontz book I remember scaring me was..
4. The Taking by Dean Koontz - In this book the world as we know it is coming to an end. The moment that stuck with me? A doll sitting on a diner stool, that opened its eyes and came to life.

5. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly - A classic and must read for Halloween. Its not scary, but is a great monster story for its time.
6. The Ruins by Scott Smith - A group of teenagers are alone in the wilderness in Mexico. Trapped on a hill, one by one they go crazy, and then they start to die.

7. It by Stephan King - I admit I did not read the book, but the movie was scary. I'm not afraid of clowns but this gives anyone a good reason to be.
8. The Amityville Horror - I had a recommendation for book 8. Don't base your judgment on the movie, I heard this book is pretty scary.
This is all I have for now. Ill try to think of some more.
King is the perfect story teller for Halloween and while I thought It was one of his best I really hated the ending. Great list!
Thanks, I love King for a good Halloween read too
Frankenstein totally creeped me out. Not so much because it was about a reanimated corpse, but because it was about a man who decided to play God, and wound up paying for it with almost everything. So scary, and contemporary even today (perhaps even more so now).
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