My top 10 Childhood Favourites!
I like this top ten. Its been fun thinking back and remembering the books I read as a kid. These may not be all my favourites, just ten I could think of at the moment. I read lots of books as a kid and I'm sure I can think of lots more that I enjoyed as much as these.

I had a lot of the
Berenstain Bears books. I remember reading
In the Dark, and one where they broke a lamp and blamed it on a bird.
Manners Series - I remember when I was a little kid and these books came in the mail. We got the whole series and I made my dad read them to me every night.
Animorphs - This is a series I became obsessed with later in public
school. It was about kids who could change into animals. It was up to them to save the world from parasitic aliens which took over peoples brains. Sounds weird but I loved them so much I would read them in one sitting.
Bridge to Terabithia - This book was soo sad. It was more of a serious children's book.

Everyone loved
Robert Munch when they were a kid. Last year I got my niece 10 of my favorites for Christmas, hoping she would like them as I did.
Ah The
Babysitters Club. I don't remember why I liked these nor do I remember any plot lines at all.

The Hatchet was a amazing book. After a plane crash a kid is stranded in the forest alone with only a hatchet to survive. Funny thing, when I first started reading this book I didn't know what a hatchet was. Took me a while to realize it was an axe.
The Secret Garden is also a great book. This one I kept in the back of my dad's truck and used to read it on the way to school. I liked the idea of having my own secret place that no one else knew about.

Time Cat was a really interesting story, where instead of having nine lives cats actually have nine journeys they can take through time. In this book the boys cat takes him along to places such as ancient Egypt.
A Little Princess - I had the movie which came with her locket, as well as the book. It's a great story about a girl who goes to a private school, but when her dad dies in the war she has to quit and forced to be the maid for all her old friends. She is moved to the attic and soon finds out that her friends are not her friends any longer. The other maid becomes her only friend.