These are my favourite romance novels, at least the ones that I can think of now. I read a lot of Nora Roberts when I was in high school, and liked most of her books, but I didn't want to fill this list with all one author. A little diversity is good so I just added two that I liked the most.

A science fiction love story. You wouldn't expect that from Nora Roberts, but it's true. I loved this book. A mystery man appears in her life out of no where and she has to take care of him all alone in a remote cottage. Two people alone together, and one needs the help of the other is a perfect situation for a romance to develop, and this one has an added twist, because something is just not right about this guy.

I know everyone is tired of hearing about this romance book. I avoided reading them for a while but couldn't ignore all the hype, then it turned out that I really liked them. This one is a lot like Romeo and Juliette, which I think makes it a great modern read for Valentine's Day.

I'm reading Jane Austen right now so I have to add this to the list. No list is complete without a good classic. At first I wasn't impressed with this story, I liked Emma better, but the characters grow on you over time. Watching the movie helped too.

I like books where the two objects of affection are opposites; I think it makes it even more romantic. The cool kid and the nerd is even more romantic because I can wish that when I was in high school I had the chance to date the cool guy. The thought that you will be loved even when you are gone makes this book one of the most romantic stories I've read.

The job that I fantasize about but will never have is a thief. Its the mystery and suspense that appeal to me, and it sounds exciting. This story involves two people who grew up together and then fall in love. They are jewelry thiefs and magicians, doesn't that sounds cool.

Saving the best for last. This was the first book that made me really cry. I still consider it my favourite book ever. It had everything you want in a good love story; adventure, romance, risk, tears, love, and of course a happy ending.
1 comment:
Among those romance novels you've posted, Michelle, I believe Nicholas Sparks' "A Walk to Remember" is the one that has captured the hearts of most romance novel readers. Even I was astonished by its story. And for this reason, I wasn't surprised to know that it became a blockbuster hit movie.
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