Wednesday, April 4, 2012

77 Shadow Street by Dean Kootnz

I just finished my latest read 77 Shadow Street. It took me longer then usual to finish this book for two reasons. 1. My e-reader decided it did not want to cooperate and refused to download the book. The only way I had left to read it was on my cell phone. The tiny screen didn't make reading enjoyable so  I only read on the subway when I had nothing else to do anyways.
2. Anyone who knows me knows my favourite author is Dean Koontz, so I was very disappointed when I didn't love this book. I wasn't excited by it, and didn't jump to read it every chance I got.

When I first read the synopsis I was excited to start reading, but was quickly disappointed. The first reason was the number of characters in it. The book takes place in a mansion converted to apartments so there were lots of people to get to know all. The fact that you keep jumping around between them didn't make it any easier.
The characters that stood out to me the most were to two single mothers, one with a boy and one with a girl. They each had very unique stories and memorable kids. n my experience the story was told around them and the other characters had just supporting roles.If the book centred only around them I think it would have been better.
There were several single men in the story, and I got them confused often in the beginning of the story. Only once characters started to die off, did recognizing the different characters become easier. There was a group of characters (Padmini, Tom, and Baily) who didn't play any important role in the book at all. I think it would have been better if they were never in it.

The other reason I didn't enjoy the book was, as a Dean Koontz book set in a haunted house, I expected it to be scarier. I've read books of his before where I was so creeped out I had to turn on the lights. This time, although the creatures were creepy and very weird, I wasn't scared, I was more disturbed by what he had imagined.

The last thing was his reasoning behind the existence of the house.  I understood the "science" behind what happened, but he didn't go enough into how it happened, or even why. I think the reason he gave had lots of holes and left many unanswered questions; I really hate unanswered questions.

So this isn't a completely negative review I will add what I did like about the book, and that was the atmosphere. Dean did give great descriptions of the run down post-apocalyptic house; I could picture it perfectly. He also gave good descriptions of his creatures. I thought they were creepy and disturbing, but that was because he described them so well. I assume creepy was what he was hoping for anyways, and it worked. Even though I didn't like the book I think it would translate well into a movie. Being in and seeing the house would make it a lot scarier. And being able to see the characters would make it easier to tell them apart quickly. What it lacked was fear and the screen could create that.

Overall I am sad to give this book a negative review. There are so many good Dean Koontz books out there. Please read one of those instead of this one.

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